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Spirituality Pack

Original price was: ₹548.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.

Follow that inner voice that is urging you to calm down, take a deep breath, and meditate.

The more you get busy with your life, the more you feel like escaping from it to a calmer place. And in this noisy and expensive world, the only way of having a quiet time is to take a vacation or meditate. But how exactly do you meditate without help? The programs that are offered on the weekends are expensive. And the gurus on YouTube are of no help.

This is why we have brought you an eBook pack to kickstart your spiritual journey. Escaping from your everyday life through meditation starts with one simple thing. Reading and Self Exploration. The moment you take time to read and apply what you have read on a daily basis, your personal and professional life seems more fulfilling. You will be calmer and the noise just fades away.

To help build this habit, our eBooks 1. Meditation for Everyday Living and 2. The Guide to Self-Enlightenment are the perfect choice.

Take a moment off your busy lives and bask in spirituality to live a more fulfilled life. Build healthier habits by raising your self-awareness and begin your self-enlightenment journey the right way.

SKU: 000188

Enjoy a Graphic Rich reading experience with our EZ-eBooks.

Get access to unlimited knowledge on spirituality and meditation with Spirituality pack at a discounted price.

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